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Sunday, April 6, 2008 

Part Time Jobs

With the current trend it isn't new to ears if we hear about a person who's dually employed, the reason being the current trend of Part Time Jobs. There are several reasons why people opt for such second jobs. The top reason among such is the money factor. With some effort you can earn a little more, and money in whatever form is welcomed by everyone. Another reason that has been observed off late is 'creative satisfaction.'

Mainstream jobs usually exploit the technical skills of a person corresponding to the degree held, however other hobbies and interests remain curbed. Recently many people who are passionate about their interests have found a way out. A successful architect I know writes articles for an upcoming magazine. A well established doctor practices laughter in the form prose. An IIT engineer has recently published some books of his own. We all have heard about such instances, haven't we?

Apart from these, the current exposure to the world of internet has also opened up a new avenue for such jobs. They are usually tagged as 'earn from home', 'earn online', 'be your own boss', etc. Not only do the claim such, but also provide a real opportunity for the same. These internet jobs just require you to have a PC with internet connection and basic computer operating skills. With as minimal as this you can earn sitting at home. So much so, such jobs can also help you earn more than your mainstream job, all it requires is a little bit of experience and some more hard-work and dedication.

Read more articles about Career and Jobs at http://www.CareerFeed.net

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.earncashonline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at http://www.ArticlesDirectory.in