Monday, April 7, 2008 

Acer Laptops

Those were the days of the heavy-duty industrial computers. It was common to employ a series of bulky storage boxes size processors to perform complicated mathematical and astronomical operations. The computer was a reality but only for the scientific community and the science fiction writers. Commoners like us could just gape at the pictures and wonder at the marvel the machines were supposedly performing. The thought that this giant of a machine would one day shrink to a small and slim toolbox size never ever touched our minds. The technicians, however, were busy trying to reduce the size of these machines and increase there speed and performance at the same time. The first step in the right direction came in the form of a Desktop Computer. The desktop computer completely changed the scenario.

The Transformation.

The Desktop revolution changed the world like never before. The advent of Pentium processors in a series led to development of rich software that was aimed at utilizing the maximum resources provided by the hardware. The software was driving the hardware requirement now. The challenges were met and the two marched ahead hand in hand. However, the problem with a Desktop, its static base was restricting its use to a limited area and it was pertinent to create a Computer that could be carried anywhere and used as per requirement. The technicians had answer to this question and they came up with a Laptop. This wonder machine was supposed to replace the Desktop and accompany the user on very travel he undertook.

The Acer Laptop.

The Acer laptop used to be comfortable and efficient at the same time in its initial phase. Slowly but steadily the Acer Laptop started to shed weight and acquire a totally new avatar. The transition from bulky to slim was seamless and the laptops almost overnight became slim and trendy. The Acer Laptops were designed for performance based upon the advancements in latest technologies for entertainment, mobility and security. The brands now available are Sleek, beautifully crafted and indeed head-turning due to the innovative shapes and premium finish acquired through the use of advance materials. The brand's performance was in league with the major Company Laptops and the Acer Laptop withstood every challenge thrown at it and came out with flying colours. The design and performance kept improving. The screen memory and battery capacity was constantly upgraded with the advancements of technology.

The Way Ahead.

The Acer Laptops have cleared every hurdle and emerged as the frontrunners in the field of slim Laptops. These Acer Laptops are studded with the very best of the available components viz. the Core Quad Processor, DDR2 RAM, 15'' TFT screen, DVD and Blue Ray drive, Multiple USB ports, Audio Channel ports, Video Accelerators and even 3D graphic video cards. Imagine all these facilities combined and bundled into a package that has an exterior as tough as the human skull protecting the soft and intelligent stuff inside. The Acer Audio visual superior laptops are selling like hot cakes world-wide and are expected to only improve this performance with every improvement in the technology.

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