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Friday, April 11, 2008 

The Renegade Network Marketer and Sieg's System Were the Beginning - What's Next?

Every day hundreds of savvy network marketers and even the old-school MLMers purchase Ann Sieg's Renegade System--a funded sponsoring proposal lead generation system--but a lot of them do it unknowingly.

What they initially picked up was a copy of her e-book, The Renegade Network Marketer, but after they read the book they realized they get a lot more than just words and ideas.

Just as Mike Dillard has done with his Magnetic Sponsoring, Sieg's book comes with her Renegade System. Although different in many ways, both books and systems have empowered network marketers to move into a new era for the networking industry-the era of marketing.

First & Second Impressions about The Renegade and Magnetic Sponsoring...

Many progressive networkers, and even some of the old-school MLM types, fumble through the first pages of The Renegade feeling a bit anxious because there's a sense you just found the mother-load... like stumbling into a goldmine but realizing you can't carry anything home until you do some heavy lifting.

And it's true. The Renegade introduces you to an entirely new fascinating world, where people come to you instead of the other way around... where you can monetize like a real business for much needed cash-flow... and where you can get in front of a huge trend whereby millions of people are moving online.

But making the switch from old-school to new-school will require some work and there's a sense you can't move fast enough. Most networkers have quite a bit to learn about marketing before they ace the new model... with that said, it's light-years easier than building the business the old way.

But the feeling of 'overwhelm' is there... and it's similar to how many people felt when they found Magnetic Sponsoring... overwhelm and excitement.

Between the two books, the Renegade had the greatest impact because I saw a missing component that I did not see in Magnetic Sponsoring--I was looking for the best way to teach my clients and team.

I had read Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring and had employed some affiliate marketing strategies and the funded-sponsoring proposal out of what I learned in his MLM Traffic Formula course, but it wasn't until I found The Renegade Network Marketer and its 'sister' System, that I felt I could teach any of this stuff to my team.

This is what's most important to me because in network marketing it's about duplication.

I had been teaching network marketing (the old-school way) for years, and coaching is a passion. So when I saw how well Ann had put her Renegade package together specifically for beginners, I was excited to expand upon it. I started planning how I'd gather my team and clients and come back to mine the gold together. And that's what we did.

Within weeks, people who had been wasting thousands of dollars on leads to build their network marketing business and getting no where, who were afraid of Internet marketing up to that point, were employing The Renegade System strategies by following simple tutorials we had set up.

Click here for a video overview of The Renegade Network Marketer

Over a hundred people on our team made the switch within weeks. We threw out the cold-calling and warm market stuff forever, and started generating leads and new income with the Renegade. The prospects started calling people on my team and they were thrilled. Over a hundred of my clients (many from other network marketing companies) started generating their own leads list, and then monetizing it. The whole 'training experiment' was a smash.

What's Next for The Renegade'ers and Magnetic Gurus?

The next big movement in this new model for network marketers is teaching others how to set it all up in step-by-step tutorials like we've done. I've seen proof of its power. People flock to you by the thousands to learn.

If you want to create your own system to do this make sure it is set up for the beginner in very small bite sizes, and that it's visual so they can literally follow along.

Also, remember how much Ann Sieg emphasized monetization in The Renegade Network Marketer. Make sure your training system increases monetization not just for you, but also for your team and prospects who should be able to use your training system with the same benefit you do.

I think you'll see this kind of training take the MLM industry by storm, and to the next level of maturity because it's exactly what the majority of network marketers who have read The Renegade (or Dillard's stuff) need.

So find a system that does this, like one we've created called Renegade University, or create one that meets the criteria above and you'll be ahead of the curve, positioned to attract a huge number of prospects to you, while earning a lot more cash flow if you monetize it properly. Then, you can lead those prospects to wherever it is you want them to end up (like your MLM business, for example).

"It's a whole lot easier when the prospects are coming to you, Mike says."

Mike teaches network marketers Internet attraction marketing, emphasizing "no and low cost" strategies with Social Web 2.0 Media.

Get Click-by-Click Help Setting Up Your Marketing & Attract More Prospects to You

Learn with Mike to generate your own prospects list, and how to monetize with cash-flow strategies that allow you to afford to keep building the network marketing business you're in right now.
