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Tuesday, April 8, 2008 

Where is The Risen?

Throughout my schooling days (from a Catholic Institution), till date, I have always been asked to personify the Holy Easter in a way that Jesus presumed it then. There have been optimistic views around me that implied that Jesus set an example in front of humanity and that we all must follow his footsteps. He came down on this Earth as a mortal being, and fought with evil with all the minimal alms of compassion and kindness, that we all possess.

But surprisingly, today, the meaning of Easter has been restricted to partying, merry making and feasting.

In a world, where even the non-Christians are interested in the deep roots of the origination and the meaning behind the Holy week and Easter Sunday, we Christians, instead of passing the word of Humanity are ourselves loosing it to the modern maze that is taking us far away from religion. From religion here, I do not mean attending Sunday Masses, reading the Bible or singing Holy Choruses, but what I do mean here is imbibing in our hearts the reason Jesus came down to Earth. It is very easy celebrating Christmas, and Easter and all the other special days of the year and be proud Christians, but what is difficult is understanding the true spirit of Christianity and passing it on. This was the actual motive of the Lord, when he sent His Son, as I presume it to be.

The Lord sent His only Son as a mortal to bless the people on Earth with an example in front of them. He did not want to preach anything that they could not visualize. For such a holy intension, he sacrificed His only Son. But what is disheartening to see it, that people around are not able to see the hidden meaning behind this celebration.

When Jesus arose from His death bed, people rejoiced. Instead of grasping the fact that helping humanity is a short cut to reach God and be His son, they divided themselves into groups arguing if Jesus would come back to Earth or not. And such divisions and partitions continued irrespective of the argumentative quote behind them.

What Easter symbolizes is that work for the sake of humanity like Jesus did with His mortal alms of compassion and kindness, and such is the short cut to reach the Lord.

Read more articles about Religion and Spirituality at http://www.FaithInReligion.net

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.earncashonline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at http://www.ArticlesDirectory.in

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